Thursday 31 December 2009

Day 0

So I first heard about the Day Zero Project on an internet forum; quite a few people on there had already started and shared their blogs. I thought it sounded like a really interesting thing to be involved in. Personally, I always have lots and lots of things I want to achieve and then somehow never seem to get round to them. I'm also not always great at making the best use of the time that I have, so setting myself the target of completing 101 things in 1001 days seemed like a great way to get motivated.

And once I started to think about what would go on my list, I realised that lots of them really related to life with my husband, Chris, too. So I managed to persuade him that we should make a joint list of things to achieve together. I don't think he's quite as excited by it as I am (or even that he quite 'gets' it yet), but, good natured as always, he's at least agreed to have a go (and hasn't even seemed too terrified by #80, though maybe that's because the blow is softened by #90, among others!).

Tomorrow (1st January) is day 1, and we'll see how we go. Some of the things seem very achievable, some seem a little less so, though all of them are things we want / have talked about doing. Lots of them are ongoing, or have more than one step, so I hope we'll be able to keep the momentum going.

On to day 1!

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